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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today there was a new drama teacher. LOL while she was quite funny. She tried to gave us nicknames.... i was ah loh.. lyk hello. -.- then she act as if she was talking on the phone. "HELLO! HELLO! This is Ah Loh..."Then after that we were given scenes to act on our group was so CREATIVE that they make:
Tee-zee-yee:Director/Muscular Man
Remy: Zman
Nabil:BBB (blink blink man)
Nazreen: The KOTEA
Myself: Mr White horse....
Wilson: Oh shit i forgot his name =X

After this was some acting...YiYing was acting as a FLIRTER..LOL! The story was he was with ELYSIA... then he had another affair with HAZEL. lols it was so funny....
After that i went home and i saw twin ^^

Ahhh.. so much homework to do ahhh boring T.T

LifeIsShort | 3:19 AM

Saturday, January 26, 2008

27 Janruary 2008
Not i hot.... weather so hot....
Will our drama teacher change?I wish they change her. She has an attitude problem and kept scolding vulgar at us as if she is so big.... Ahhhh tomorrow is my Compeition. Must Jia You ar...
Ahhh sien nothing to blog too much hw.
LifeIsShort | 9:09 PM

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Janruary 20, Sunny
fun quiz for myspace profile and blog

HEHE this is my horoscope? LOL check whats urs
LifeIsShort | 5:34 AM

Friday, January 18, 2008

Janruary 18, Sunny
Ahh.... Yesterday was terrible, we had a drama teacher who is so grr. asshole? bithcy? She kept scolding us. Even we whisper, she scold us say that we have no respect for her? Whisper ler? HELLO!!! Whisper if i don't give u face i rather scream as loud as i can bah... Nonsense. She thinks she use rude words like "bloody"? "Shut up"? shows that she is scary???... Nonsense.

Nvm. About her she totally sucks...

Today first period was mother tongue. We had to read our Friday Weekly. The contents were so chim.... i only recognised some words. Mrs. Yeo-chan was picking people to talk about the article. Luckily!!! i was not chosen!!! WAHAAHAH... ==

After that it was English lesson and we were doing the wolf thingy ... At the ending, the wolf leap and Remy said it leap off the mountain LOL XD.Then after that I group with remy,nabil,nazreen. We were behind talking about nonsense. From Fall out boy to Dota to Paris Hilton? =.= then michael jackson escaped and molested them ..... Lluckily we finish the plot in time not like other group who are fastest among snail LOL (Please do not take it to ur lungs).

We had maths and Test.. nothing to say..

After that we got DnT and nabil was lyk Tantanner! Tantanner! LOl so sad i was with mr raymond. Today D.c. forgot to bring Dnt Stuffs and Wilson too T.T then they were outside sitting down chit chatting inside, No D.C. zheng ting absent yesterday lyk crazy crazy IMH person.Today he never come, maybe he admitted into IMH? Lets visit him? NO WAY!!!Makeing my rotating cam-shaft was so fun.

While back to B.net Ciao!
LifeIsShort | 6:06 AM

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

January 15, MONSOON!
In any game, in order to win, we need to follow the rules. To win in this game of LIFE, we need to follow rules (copied from hazeline blog XD) continued..... we have to follow the rules in order to win or you will be disqualified. It's kinda meaningful?ya.... its true. Did u post at the Class page? Shh. don't tell any1 I DID NOT... SHH!!!! Now waiting for Ting Quan to be ready and head off to BNET!!! Cya!
LifeIsShort | 4:38 AM

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Janruary 13, Rainy
Have u seen ur Duty Roster?
It's right here!

Hazeline Quek
Ong Zhen
She Cichuan
Wayne Loh
Ow Ting Quan
Darryl Saw
Tey Zee yee

Lim Zi Yu
Ng Sok Ghee
Dan Choong
Dean Lee
Jasper Heng
Ho Zheng Ting
Xu Jian Xiong

Hazel Ang
Joey Lai
Lam Lai Hong
Osel Lim
Goh Xuan Kai
Leonard Sim

Liau Wanru
Yeo Jieying
Yee Yewen
Wilson Chong
Nabil Remy

Lim Min Qi
Elysia Tan
Teo Hanrou
Darryl Chua
Leong Jiang Maan
Tan Hui Zhan
Kham Yiying

The jobs ar'nt out yet so just wait and see ^^
LifeIsShort | 5:18 AM

Thursday, January 10, 2008

10th Janruray 2008, Sunny
Yesterday i did not have time to blog because i was too tired from badminton training my little finger very pain. I sprained it. Yesterday was a lot of badminton training on the basics. We had 2 new coach 1 from Indonesia and the other is local called brother LEONARD.This is wierd there is so many leonard around in manjusri and in Singapore. So when can i find another named Wayne?
Tomorrow is time for D'n'T yeah! After that we can just go home cool! Cya 2moro hope i gt much more to say!
LifeIsShort | 3:55 AM

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

8th Janruary 2008 . Rainy
It's Kinda a fresh start for me today, there was some fun at the beginning:
Mrs Su started by scolding people. LOL, For not doing her homework....... If i am not wrong it is the Geography file and Ci chuan became our geography rap LOL just because Mrs Su like the number 11. Thats kinda fast to choose 1 rap easily.
We did some reading of this 4 paged long essay by 1 of the most famous fiction story writers. Tomorrow we had to do some review exercise on the essay and we had to continue doing it tomorrow.
We had fitness in the fitness room (of course fitness room if not wat canteen? -.-) i m 162 cm woots! 48kg wow kinda light for me! yea yea!! After that we went to round 6 boring rounds round the cirucular track.... Kinda boring for me.. hehe xD
We voted the monitor thing so its kinda fun and i got sabotaged. My vote was 7 T.T ds was 8 wow that makes me the deputy monitor for the time being till 11.50 tonight. COUNTDOWN! I m not so lame to do that....
It was Miss Salina lesson it was quite boring as it was raining and i felt so sleepy and almost slept but i did not felt sleepy after the pratical on the hand mine was 21cm yea yea majority of the boys have that except nabil exeptional 23cm. O_O
Mother tongue:
It was time for an essay writing session. It's a boring topic. What i regretted. Boring i don't want talk about it!
We were talking about the about the Blk 16 thingy at Upp. Boon Keng road. It was called our adopted block for elderly. Good point is we ended earlier and talk alot of nonsense with Mr fahmy and D.c. The "man's talk".

Tomorrow is Badminton Day so i think i shall pack my bed CIAO!
LifeIsShort | 5:21 AM

Monday, January 7, 2008

7th Janurary 2008 10.38pm
I deleted my old blog and created this. Still many things to do but i am kinda lazy n too tired because of today's stretching and boring excersise. I'll leave it till tomorrow mayb :) so have a good night and bye bye.
LifeIsShort | 6:38 AM