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Sunday, May 25, 2008

25 May 2008
Today my granny got admitted to hospital.. Whole family is not in the good mood...Everyone is now at the hospital looking after her....
Not in a very good time to blog =/
LifeIsShort | 5:07 AM

Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23
Holidays just started yeah! Hmm 1 whole month sit at home play Dota sleep and eat. How boring... At least got frequent Badminton Training..zz holidays are sien.Nothing to post also... i going to get my report book by my own =/
Nothing much..
LifeIsShort | 6:51 AM

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17
Today Nothing much i went Tuition and came home to Pudge Wars and Dota all the way straight.. SAd thing is i lost in all Dota match and only won 1 Pudge wars. That was bullying they were just starters? Nvm. Maybe i got no mood to post? i try to continue winning.
Next Week:
Monday - No school.
Tuesday- Maths trail
Wednesday&Thursday - school activities
Friday - No school
What a boring week.
Nevermind thats all bye..
LifeIsShort | 6:30 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008

11 May 2008
YEAH exams FINALLY over! =X Yawns~ Got 2 Day break Monday and Tuesday. Nothing much this week since exam just finished. I Dota the whole day =X BAD BOY == i am not a bad boy!
Hope i get good results and not _____ for my marks -_______________________-
Thats all ":..:"
Bye~ Next time
LifeIsShort | 6:39 AM