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Thursday, September 11, 2008

11 September 2008
Hmm sian, sch reopened. >< Must study for End of year, it's so close.. 3 weeks? Sians. Singapore Dota lose to Korea, HOW COME? We lose to them 0:2?
Game 1 :

Zenith win roll and choose 1st Pick. xDT take sentinel.
Zenith : Tide Zues Na Wl
xDT : Dk BroodM Puck Chen
Pick :
Zenith : BeastM Tinker NerubW Lion Naix
xDT : Potm Skele Meepo Lich Sdk

Korea won the first round. Meepo, their leading star player.
Game 2 :

xDT Choose Sentinel . zenith choose 1st Pick

Bans :
xDt : Brood , QoP , dk , Chen
zEnith : Tide , Skele , Na , Puck

Picks :
xDt : Wl , Lich , Bm , Spec , Meepo
zEnith : Zeus , Visage , Necro . omni , Lion
Meepo is their star player.
LifeIsShort | 7:45 AM

Friday, August 29, 2008

29 August 2008
Yea today is the last day of school (: and also teacher's day O.O Haha. Manjusri walk~ >< so much mud. Zzz now my shoes so dirty. Grr. Manjusri IDOL! Haha i vote for lousia and Matlida band. After performace, we went to Tea Chapter to drink tea *i got stomach ache Dx* the tea is so nice smelling mans Hahahs. After that went home with Wei Hao and his friend Hendry? Saw Huiting, cassandra lalala and blah blah lazy type so many people -.- on the Mrt cause my mrt stop at Aljunied Mrt for duno what let mrt take a break? Haha went home to Dota ;D then tuition and i am sleeping now *yawns* Bye xD.

7 days for us to relax yeah~
LifeIsShort | 8:48 AM

Friday, August 22, 2008

22 August 2008
Yeah, finally left one Common test left, Art D: why did miss shavanna fall sick. Damn that VIRUS. The other Cmt marks come out alr :D except chemisty on monday ):


weee~ hahas. Tag replies :D
Manlyn: Long and nice what xDD
Huiting:Slowly read lor u can eat pop corn also
JM: Happy writing more (recieve complains from people)
Cass-ie: HEHEHE what lame u tupid cassie. SHHH

I will quit it one day D: You wait?
LifeIsShort | 7:34 AM

Saturday, August 16, 2008

16 August 2008
Hahas nothing to post recently? LOL but i got a story xD a long one. ENJOY :X
-Keep or Return (featuring D gray man's casts)
Keep/Throw  Lenalee’s birthday. Lavi gives her a ring. Allen gives her a teddy bear. Which does she keep, which does she throw?

Lenalee’s birthday was today, what should I get her? I walked around the store aimlessly, staring at expensive jewelry, rings, necklaces, bracelets… My mind was getting slightly bored from the aimless sparkling things, (SORRY WLOCK900) “Allen, Allen!” Lavi exclaimed, shouting playfully, “I found the perfect ring for Lenalee!”

I looked up in surprise, “You’re buying her a ring, Lavi?!” I raised my voice slightly, while Lavi just nodded calmly, smiling more happily than ever before, “I thought rings were for people who were engaged…” I whispered softly to myself.

Lavi grinned, “Yup, I’m going to tell her about my feelings tonight.” I gasped in shock, in horror, actually. Lavi liked Lenalee? I thought he went Strike to whoever he thought looked pretty, and he never goes Strike on Lenalee.

I concealed my shock and worry, before smiling happily, “Good luck to you, then, Lavi!” He nodded in gratitude before pulling my hand and pointed out to the ring happily, all the while talking about how he liked Lenalee, how long they had known each other, the experiences he had with her, and etc.

I wasn’t listening, however. I couldn’t get the thought of Lenalee out of my head. If Lenalee accepted Lavi…

I pictured the scene in my mind, both of them holding hands and walking into the cafeteria together, I squinted in jealousy. Arghh, I shouldn’t be feeling this way, after all, she’s only my best friend.

Yup, the only girl I’ve ever been so close to before, the one I want to be safe the most.

No, it didn’t matter. Lavi was braver than me after all, and he did know her for a longer time… Lavi said something that I didn’t catch, I just nodded and smiled again.

My mood went on a downslide as Lavi purchased the ring with an Emerald gem embedded in the centre of the swirls of the ring. I think Lenalee would love the ring, well… Not that I had enough money to buy a ring like that.

“Waaa!!” Lavi whined slightly, “I’m broke now!” He sighed thoughtfully, while I just laughed slightly, he didn’t even treasure the fact that he had enough money!

“Well, at least you had enough to buy her something so valuable…” I murmured to myself, but Lavi caught it, I think.

I still haven’t gotten a present for her, what if I couldn’t find anything? I grimaced at the thought, I won’t give up! Lavi headed back towards headquarters while I continued to wander around town.

As I walked around aimlessly, I strolled past a toy store, my eyes wandered around the display window, hoping to see if there was anything that Lenalee might like in the store. Then I saw it, a pair of cuddly teddy bears holding each other’s hands.

Both of them had very short hair, one had white hair, and one had a dark green hair. They both looked cute and happy, smiling joyfully. Their outfits were matching, the white haired bear wore a white torso and a long blue rock-washed jean, while the other was wearing a black blouse and a dark blue skirt.

I smiled slightly, I found a wonderful gift. As I stepped into the store, the storekeeper bowed politely at me and welcomed me. Smiling heartily, I pointed towards the pair of bears and requested to buy them. “Well, sir, the display set’s the only one left.” He said, sighing a little sadly, “I’m sorry. I could sell them to you at a cheaper price, though.” He cheered up slightly, smiling happily.

I shook my head in rejection; I didn’t want to pay extra.

He understood what I meant and went over towards the window pane, while I waited in curious anticipation, while he took the bears asked, “You’re getting this for a girl?”

What?! I blushed slightly, and nodded once again. The old man just smirked a little and placed the bears tidily into a box. Taking out a silver sheet of paper, he placed the box on it and cut the paper by proportion, the box in the middle.

Folding two opposite sides of the wrapping paper upwards, he took some tape to tape one end onto the side it folded until, before folding the unwrapped ends inwards, while taping the ends together, there was only one side left. His hands seemingly drifted towards the last face of the box, pressing the wrapping paper down with such swiftness, he taped the last side so perfectly, I could only smile politely and admire his handwork silently, if only I could wrap gifts like that.

“Thanks, uncle. You’re really great at wrapping. Maybe I could come back here to learn it some time.” He smiled sweetly at me, before taking a red smooth ribbon and tying the gift ever-so perfectly, and placed the beautiful gift in my hands.

I handed him around 20 dollars, worthy of his time, patience and hard work. I thanked him once more before leaving the store, with the gift in my hands, and headed back to where I came from. Wait… Where did I come from? I looked to the left and right, but yet could not identify a single landmark. I walked back into the store to get some help, on where the ‘Cafeteria’ restaurant was. That was the only place in town I knew how to get to and back.


I strolled around the hallway aimlessly, as I thought about today, my birthday. Surely Nii-san made a big fuss out of it. I wanted to have a plain and simple birthday, like anyone else’s birthday. Even after talking to Nii-san, he still disapproves, sometimes I wonder if his sister complex is really that bad.

I turned around the next bend, and strolled into the cafeteria, all the lights were off. I continued to walk forward, knowing there would be a surprise. All of a sudden, the lights flicked on, and the whole room went bright, a banner hung in front reading ‘Happy Birthday, Lenalee!’

All the members of the Black Order were standing neatly in front, smiling happily, before Nii-san stepped out, “Happy Birthday to our Lenalee-chan!” He exclaimed, as the crowd went into a fray of happiness and joyful partying.

I looked around, finding Allen-kun, to my disappointment, I couldn’t find him anywhere. Lavi and Kanda were present, so where was Allen-kun?! I scanned the area frantically, to no avail. Walking over towards my two friends, I asked them, “Have any of you seen Allen-kun?” Lavi shook his head awkwardly, as if hiding something, while Kanda paid no attention to whatever concerns Allen-kun.

Nii-san walked over towards us, “Lenalee, I want you to have this,” he stretched out his arms, holding two hairclips to clip my short hair. “I still love you no matter whether your hair is long or short.” He said, before pulling me into a tight brotherly hug, as I smiled affectionately and hugged him back.

“Thanks for everything, Nii-san.” I pulled out of the embrace as I accepted his gift merrily. He walked over towards Reever-san and the others and started to converse happily.

“Lenalee, could you come with me for a while?” I replied by bobbing my head lightly as Lavi looked at me with a quirky expression that I’ve never seen before. He stretched his right arm out and led me towards the balcony Allen-kun had been caught staring out before.

“Happy birthday, Lenalee,” he finally wished me. I smiled sweetly, “I would like to give you this.” He said, as he dug into his pockets and took a small box out. Stretching out his two hands, I took the gift and tried to guess what was inside.

“Thanks very much, Lavi.” I smiled happily and shook the small box beside my ear but couldn’t hear anything. I shrugged in disappointment as Lavi looked at me with worry, so it was something fragile.

“You know, you can just o-open it.” He said, waving his hands forward to prompt me to open it. Was he blushing?

I opened the box, to find a beautiful ring that had a Dark Emerald embedded on top, no wonder he didn’t want me to shake the box. I was about to put it on, when my thoughts drifted towards Allen-kun. Should I be doing this? I thought about it for a while, I didn’t like Lavi in that manner… Would I give him a wrong impression if I wear the ring?

I looked at him with a soft smile, “Lavi, I’m sorry, I can’t accept it.” He looked rather disappointed.

“E-eh, it’s a-alright then. Y-you could just keep it a-and decide if you want it or not tomorrow.” He blurted out before turning away to leave; a slight pout on his lips.

Before he could go, I reached out and grabbed his hand, “Have you seen Allen-kun?” I asked, and he stared at me, perplexed.

“So, it’s because of him, right?” He asked, frowning slightly, a tone of jealousy in his voice. How should I reply him? I felt like nodding, yet… I wasn’t sure.

The result was a peculiar diagonal movement of my head. “I’m sorry, Lavi… Please understand. Anyway, where is he?” I questioned, lacing my words with more force.

He cowered in slight fear, “I went out with Allen today to buy your gift, and I left first.” He said. Then it dawned upon me, was Allen-kun lost? I looked at Lavi with gentle eyes before turning my back towards him and running back towards the cafeteria, perhaps he really was lost.

Right when I entered, I saw him panting at the doorway, panting heavily and sweating profusely. His gaze caught mine as he beamed up, and ran over towards me, “Lenalee!” he cried, “Sorry I’m late…” his voice drifted off.

“It’s alright, Allen-kun. I’m glad you’re here.” I smiled.

He started to blush lightly as he held out his both hands, “Happy birthday, Lenalee. I’m glad to have met a person like you.” To my surprise, he did not look away, but kept his eyes on me, for that short moment, we stared into each other’s eyes. I loved Allen-kun.

Reaching out to take the gift, Lavi’s box was still in my hand. I noticed Allen-kun’s slight disappointed, as he saw the box. “That was from Lavi, right?” He pointed at the box in my left hand, and stole a small glance at the well-wrapped gift in my right.

I nodded slightly, before smiling happily, “Thanks Allen-kun, I appreciate it a lot.” He blushed slightly and ruffled his hair.

“Hope you liked it. I didn’t wrap it, actually, the storekeeper helped to wrap it for me.” He smiled, “I didn’t know there were such kind people outside.” He smiled sweetly, before blushing slightly as I started to unwrap the present, leaving Lavi’s gift on one of the tables.

While I unwrapped his gift, Allen-kun said guiltily, “I’m sorry, Lenalee. I couldn’t get something as… valuable as a ring. And I wasn’t sure if it was suitable…”

Finally unwrapping the gift, I opened the box slowly, while Allen-kun trembled in nervousness, I took the gift out, it was two teddy bears, one with green hair, one with white hair, holding hands.

“It’s really cute, Allen-kun. I like it a lot.” I pulled him into a hug, where he tensed up all of a suddenly and slowly put his hands around my back.

As we both pulled away, I saw him glance over at the box, as his eyes flashed a slight disappointed before smiling at me, “You don’t have to see the bears as you and I if you don’t want to,” a sad smile on his face, “hope you liked it, Lenalee.” He smiled brightly again as his stomach roared in ferocious hunger. Where he blushed slightly and grinned innocently.

“You must be hungry, let’s go get something to eat.” I said, smiling as I held his hand like the two bears and I hugged them and tucked Lavi’s gift into my pocket.

Our hands separated as I went to take a seat, while Allen-kun ordered his dinner. Soon, he was carrying two huge trays of food, lunging at his dinner while I fiddled with the bears, patting their heads and tugging their hands.

“Their cute, aren’t they?” Nii-san was right beside us. “You two look exactly like it.” He finished off, giving a death glare at Allen-kun. I could feel the warmth in my cheeks as Allen-kun blushed too. Nii-san left us to talk to each other as he went back to chat with the others. Allen-kun looked rather uncomfortable.

“Just ignore him, Allen-kun.” I said, hiding my disappointment.

Allen-kun looked up from his food, “Lenalee, I’d love to hold your hand more often next time.” I flushed red as I looked down at the table, holding hands with Allen-kun…

“But it’s alright, I… W-well, I…” He couldn’t finish his sentence.

“It’s alright if you don’t feel anything,” he said, turning his gaze towards the food, “I like you, Lenalee…” Was is easier for him to confess to the food? I was rather shocked, to be honest, yet I felt so happy. He went back to his food, as if he hadn’t seen anything.

I smiled happily, “I like you too, Allen-kun.” I heard him choke on his food.

“Then… what about Lavi?” He inquired, eyes peering curiously at me.

“Well, I told him that I didn’t like him that way.” I said. He looked at me with a soft smile, before going back to eat.

After that meal, Allen-kun walked me back to my room, hand in hand, as I hugged the bears tightly in my arms, it was a symbol of Allen-kun and I. I’m going to keep it safely in my room forever.

I’m going to return that ring to Lavi tomorrow, I thought, as I drifted off into happiness, as I felt Allen-kun’s hand encasing mine.
The author is unknown xD hahas. But it's a nice story (:. And Huiting you little piglet i know u lighter than 48 kg hana hana -.-
LifeIsShort | 8:40 AM

Thursday, August 14, 2008

14 August 2008
Yeah finally the main papers passed xD hai sians. Still got alot more? O.O Hmm I hope i will get good marks mans! Hahahs I am drawing art now for miss shavana tomorrow? 1 Art file and Journal. Whats the point of having a file and a journal zz.
I go back and do liaos xD byes

LifeIsShort | 8:05 AM

Monday, August 11, 2008

11 August 2008
Yesterday, i went out to eat steamboat at Old Airport Road xD The food was nice of course but it's was spicy Dx made me buy 2 cups of drink. Stupid Satay Bee Hoon sause. RAWR i will never eat there again xD but the steamboat there was good (: yum.

The Food that i am going to throw in xD maybe throw you in too O.O

It's hot xD don't touch it. Cooking is sure fun ;D

That stupid curry sauce so hot ><

Hahas sians, today nothing much =/ i went to school to study maths and take free re-test? Then came home to study, tuition then Dota to relax again xD now time to study again

Manlyn: What sincere boy -.-
Huiting: Oh happy birthday Singapore xD
LifeIsShort | 4:32 AM

Friday, August 8, 2008

08 August 2008
HoHoHo i finally blog again xD. Hmm today was National Day celebration, in the morning I went up to the hall to pass the class tee to nazreen and also say hi to miss yap, MISS YAP ROCKS *woots* and saw pig -.-. After that we had morning assembly and went to the field to play soccer. We came in 4th in the level anyways~ good job xD hahas. Next we went to the hall and watched the performance by the GREAT Miss yap. I went high and ran around the hall bohahaha after that i went home. Bryan came over to play Maple,Dota~ woo haha. OLYMPIC GAMES I AM COMMING! Go Singapore~ YEA YEA xD. I saw you`

Huiting: Look i update liao happy? i am a sincere guy xP
LifeIsShort | 8:22 AM