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Friday, January 18, 2008

Janruary 18, Sunny
Ahh.... Yesterday was terrible, we had a drama teacher who is so grr. asshole? bithcy? She kept scolding us. Even we whisper, she scold us say that we have no respect for her? Whisper ler? HELLO!!! Whisper if i don't give u face i rather scream as loud as i can bah... Nonsense. She thinks she use rude words like "bloody"? "Shut up"? shows that she is scary???... Nonsense.

Nvm. About her she totally sucks...

Today first period was mother tongue. We had to read our Friday Weekly. The contents were so chim.... i only recognised some words. Mrs. Yeo-chan was picking people to talk about the article. Luckily!!! i was not chosen!!! WAHAAHAH... ==

After that it was English lesson and we were doing the wolf thingy ... At the ending, the wolf leap and Remy said it leap off the mountain LOL XD.Then after that I group with remy,nabil,nazreen. We were behind talking about nonsense. From Fall out boy to Dota to Paris Hilton? =.= then michael jackson escaped and molested them ..... Lluckily we finish the plot in time not like other group who are fastest among snail LOL (Please do not take it to ur lungs).

We had maths and Test.. nothing to say..

After that we got DnT and nabil was lyk Tantanner! Tantanner! LOl so sad i was with mr raymond. Today D.c. forgot to bring Dnt Stuffs and Wilson too T.T then they were outside sitting down chit chatting inside, No D.C. zheng ting absent yesterday lyk crazy crazy IMH person.Today he never come, maybe he admitted into IMH? Lets visit him? NO WAY!!!Makeing my rotating cam-shaft was so fun.

While back to B.net Ciao!
LifeIsShort | 6:06 AM