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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Today there was a new drama teacher. LOL while she was quite funny. She tried to gave us nicknames.... i was ah loh.. lyk hello. -.- then she act as if she was talking on the phone. "HELLO! HELLO! This is Ah Loh..."Then after that we were given scenes to act on our group was so CREATIVE that they make:
Tee-zee-yee:Director/Muscular Man
Remy: Zman
Nabil:BBB (blink blink man)
Nazreen: The KOTEA
Myself: Mr White horse....
Wilson: Oh shit i forgot his name =X

After this was some acting...YiYing was acting as a FLIRTER..LOL! The story was he was with ELYSIA... then he had another affair with HAZEL. lols it was so funny....
After that i went home and i saw twin ^^

Ahhh.. so much homework to do ahhh boring T.T

LifeIsShort | 3:19 AM