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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

30 April 2008
Ahhh yawns~ Finally I am free to blog again =D. Yesterday was my Mother Tongue paper.. It was hard especially the Section A I scared I will fail my paper D: I hope that i will just pass with a 50/100 :D that would be great for me to have that ____ off of my REPORT BOOK. Oh ya remeber to do all of your prep.works BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE ohh.. =O hahas. nah it's never too late to change *ahem ahem* i am alright i am just coughing awhile. Comming up next is my Maths and History Paper on Monday. I am going to prepare for it! =D Hahas. TIME TO DO MY ART.
Till Next Time~~~
LifeIsShort | 7:25 AM